2023 Back to School Rally
8/5/23, 5:00 PM
In Partnership with First Baptist Watauga, Sertoma held its annual Back to School Rally.

On Saturday, August 5th, the Sertoma Club of Watauga in partnership with First Baptist Watauga and with help from First United Methodist and the City of Watauga, had thier annual Back to School ralley. Students were handed a back pack full of school supplies as well as had opportunuties to see a puppet show, learn about Boy Scouts, upcoming events in Watuaga for families and meet police and fire staff. Parents were also able to sign thier children up for Child ID which can cut crucial time if a child goes missing. The Sertoma Club of Watauga is excited to help students in our community get ready for the new school year.
If your student is still in need, please email us at sertomaofwatauga@gmail.com