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2025 Applications due March 31, 2025

Hector F. Garcia Scholarship Application

The Sertoma Club of Watauga is proud to announce the Hector F. Garcia Scholarship fund. Special annual fund-raising efforts by the members of Sertoma generates the scholarship funds, which are then awarded each spring to student(s) from Birdville independent School District (BISD), student(s) from Keller Independent School District (KISD) or Homeschool equivalency. It is the desire of organizational members to assist graduating seniors in reaching their higher education goals. Community Service is a major consideration in the determination of this scholarship as Sertoma recognizes the importance of volunteer service to the vitality of the business environment and community. 


About Hector F. Garcia:

 This scholarship was established  in honor of Hector Garcia. Mayor Garcia served as Co-Chairman of

the first Watauga Charter Commission in 1979. In 1980 he was elected to Council Place 3, and served

for 6 years. In 1994, he was Chairman of the Watauga Zoning Board of Adjustment, and in 1995 he

was elected Mayor and served in that capacity until 2002. He had a brief hiatus in his service, but was

elected Mayor in 2013, for a total of over 29 years of public service. He was a long time  Sertoma

member and his dedication to service to the community was unparalleled. He was a passionate

supporter of  education and never missedan opportunity for a teaching moment. 




The purpose of this scholarship is to provide one-time funding to graduating seniors to assist them in furthering their higher education goals in a fully accredited community college or four-year college, university or trade school. The scholarship will recognize students with academic achievements and have proven their commitment to citizenship and service.


Scholarship Types:

         General Application

              Scholarships will be awarded to BISD, KISD or homeschool students who are residents of the City of Watauga.

           SILENT -  Scholarships for Impaired Listeners Earning New Triumphs:

         Scholarship for hearing impaired students that wish to continue their education to an accredited community college or four year college/university or trade school. This scholarship is open to all BISD students. (SILENT scholarship applicants do not need to live in Watauga)

        SLED -  Sign Language Education Development:

Scholarship for BISD students who are wanting to continue their education in ASL, regardless of hearing ability. Open to all BISD students. Funds will be sent to registered school for the purpose of paying for registered ASL classes. (SLED applicants do not need to live in Watauga)



Scholarship recipients will be determined by the Scholarship Selection Committee based upon the submission of each completed application.

  1. The Selection Committee will determine the best-qualified applicant(s) from the area as demonstrated by:

    1. Academic achievement

    2. Demonstrated leadership examples and community involvement (i.e., church activities, volunteer work, extracurricular school activities)

    3. Employment History if applicable

    4. Application Essay

    5. Community, civic and volunteer service, work experience and attendance are emphasized in consideration for these scholarships

    6. Applications must be completed to be considered.



Funds will be made payable directly to the institution after the student has enrolled and may be used for tuition, books, fees or on-site room and board.


Awards Banquet: 

Scholarship recipients may be presented the scholarships at their respective schools Senior Awards Banquet and the annual Sertoma Banquet.



The SERTOMA Club of Watauga reserves the right to revoke a scholarship award at any time if a recipient is ruled to be ineligible or if the recipient fails to enroll in school within 12 months of award selection or for other reasons as deemed appropriate by the Scholarship Committee. 



  1. To be eligible, the recipient must demonstrate that he/she is a graduating senior with at minimum a GPA of 3.25 or homeschool equivilant (unless extenuating circumstances exist warranting further consideration by the Selection Committee for a student with a lower GPA) and:

    1. See 'Scholarship Types ' above for qualifications for each.

    2. Plans to use the funds to attend an accredited community college or four-year university or trade school.

    3. Has fully completed the designated application form and submitted it by the state deadline; and 

    4. Has submitted the required essay and had the counselor submit the transcript by the stated deadline.



Congratulations on your interest in furthering your education and serving your community. The SERTOMA Club of Watauga and the City of Watauga support you in your efforts. 





Hector F Garcia

Past Recipients

Scholarship Application

Personal Information
High School Information
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